Lament - Do We Really Have To Go Through?
Lament - a passionate expression of grief or sorrow. A crying out in grief; wailing. The process of lament is a practise that doesn’t come with an instruction manual. What really is lament? Is it like what we see portrayed on shows or movies; exuberant wailing, uncontrolled rage, or simply a shadow that follows us around? Lament nowadays seems to be as unknown to us as the people in our neighbourhood. We know that they are there, but we don’t really know what they are truly about. I’ve been wrestling with this word for a long time. How does one lament and what does one lament? There certainly have been things in my life that are worthy of lamenting. A unexpected loss of a grandfather, loss of what I thought my life would like look, friendships, church loss, job loss, and now another grandfather that passed away. Every one of us can name things that we have lost. None of us are immune to the pain of loss but some of us have become numb to the pain of loss because of the inabili...