My Baby is Almost 2!!!

Our little girl, Leah Shiloh, will be turning two on March 31.  It's hard to believe that two years have passed us by.  Leah has grown so much, she has learned so much and she has been loved so much.  Thinking back almost two years ago - Leah was a week early although she took two days to get here and after a 40 hour labour, she made her entrance into this world via an emergency c-section.  We were so excited to hear the doctors say, "It's a Girl" and then we told them her name is Leah, Leah Shiloh.  Those first few weeks were very trying for us - especially me, since I was recovering from major surgery and adjusting to the crazy schedule of a newborn.

But I made it through and looking back now, those were the easy days!!  Babies are easy compared to a toddler.  Babies generally stay in the same place where you put them.  They can't talk back to you or throw tantrums.  The only mess they really make is in their diapers and on their clothing.  Babies cuddle and love to be held.  I am learning what the term 'terrible two's' really means.  Each new stage that Leah grows into, proves to be more challenging and more rewarding.  I love to hear my daughter call, "mommy, mommy, mommy".  It makes my heart soar.  I love that she is learning so much!  I love that she loves God's creation and all his creatures.  I love the strong hugs and gentle kisses she gives me.    She is truly a unique little girl and I thank her creator every day for her.

I will post a few pictures of Leah from when she was little up until now.  We are having her birthday party with her friends tomorrow so I'll post some pictures of her Elmo Party later.

                                This was taken in the hospital - we were there for almost a week.
                                 another hospital picture - with her eyes open
                                                   A very proud first time ever Grandpa!!!

                                                  Grandma holding Leah at her baptism

                                                                Daddy holding Leah

First ever family shots

 Our first family portrait (Roelof's smile is a little goofy because he's missing a tooth - it has been since fixed :-)

We really need to get another family portrait done in the next while - but I am waiting for nice weather so we can get a nice family shot outside.  And no more paying Sears to take our photos - I am going to make good use of my NikonD60 to take our picture!


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