I'm Going to School?!?!?!

I have recently been recognizing in myself a desire to learn more about photography and graphic design and just the arts in general.  I've always had a deep love for anything arts.  My high school teacher highly encouraged me to pursue art and not to give up on my talents.  However, art at the time wasn't "practical" so I went to a one year program at a local college for Office Administration.  Which I do not regret because without that I wouldn't have had my wonderful past job as a Development Coordinator and now my current job as a Program Coordinator. 

But there has always been a something with me that is telling me not to give up on my art and my pursuit of an educational degree.  Come to think of it God has always been showing me that I can do it - by providing me jobs at Academic institutions where I can actually take courses.  But I've been ignoring him and saying that the time isn't right or I'm a wife or I'm a mother or I'm too busy or I haven't been back to school in so long!!  These are all excuses that I make to justify the impossibility of it.  But like so many things in life you won't know until you actually try it.  So I've taken the plunge and recently applied to Calvin College and was accepted there and also received a Scholarship!! I'm super excited as I will be doing something for myself and hope to broaden my skills but also broaden myself as a person.  I plan on taking a Intro to Photography course and not sure about the other one.  The good thing about Calvin is that they offer a lot of night classes which is what I'll be looking for. 

You must be wondering how I am going to balance everything?  Well at this point I've cut back on my other commitments such as Gems and playing piano on Sunday's so that will free me up some more.  Roelof has also managed to organize all his fall classes into 2 days so that frees up our schedules a bit more.  It'll be busy but it will be good.  Everything usually always works out in the end- God always provides and He is good!!


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