Scrapbooking Retreat

Early November I had the opportunity to go on my first ever scrapbooking retreat.  Now for me this wasn't the traditional haul all your boxes, all your albums and all your supplies retreat.  I packed my laptop and my external hard drive - end of packing.  I have been a non-traditional scrapper for about three years.  I have to come to really enjoy randomly choosing when I would like to scrap.  Gone are the days of supplies sitting on my table for weeks at a time.  This way works for me - I love having my "supplies" sitting in folders on my hard drive. 

Back to the retreat, we had the privilege of staying at someone's time share cottage in the Haliburton Highlands.  I didn't really know exactly where we were going  - I just knew it was up north.  And so up north we went.  Years back I was a counsellor at a Gems camp which was held in Irondale, Ontario.  Little did I know that the place we were staying at was probably only 15 minute drive away from Irondale.  I love this area of up north.  It's so refreshing, so calming and so peaceful.  The two mornings were a wee bit chilly and each morning the lake behind the cottage was covered in a blanket of fog.  Karen and I braved the chilly weather and headed out early morning to capture a few shots of the fog. 

All in all, I had a great couple of days.  Progress was made as I completed about 18 pages or so.  I had great company and great conversations with some amazing women. My spirit was renewed as I had time for just myself which I had discovered is so important to my sanity.  I couldn't have done it without Roelof.  Roelof bravely faced two days by himself with our two kiddos.  He did a great job and my house was even clean when I came home!!

Here are a few pictures. 


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