Mommy Resources

It's at this time of year when our regular scheduled groups are shut down for the week.  Its nice to have a break from then but its so nice to have them.

One of the most important things I have learned as a mother is that I NEED to get out of the house with my kids and meet other moms.  Its good for the kids to be social and to interact with other kids...but more importantly its good for me to interact and be social with other moms.  You be surprised to find out how many other moms are going through the exact same things you are.  They are a lifesaver in my opinion.  We listen to each other, we give each other advice and we can complain together.  Complain about silly things - like the amount of toys on our floors, how dirty our high chair trays are and the endless amount of snot coming out of our kids noses.

Being able to get out and meet other moms has given me sanity.  Because lets face it, if we would be cooped up with our kids seven days a week we would go least I would :-)  And so if you are a mom and you are reading this I want to encourage you to get out of the house.  Get out of the house and meet some new moms-- you'll thank yourself for it later!

And here are some resources of the kind of groups that are out there.  All are excellent resources!

Ontario Early Years Centres - this a great place to just drop in and have some play time with other kids.  They also have more structured programs for older kids.  Almost every town has one.  We've been to ours a few times and the kids loved it!

Coffee Break - if you are familiar with the Christian Reformed Church then you will know what Coffee Break is.  Most CRC churches have one, sadly ours does not :(

MOPS - this group has been a great blessing to me.  I currently attend MOPS at Emmanuel Baptist Church in Barrie.  They have a wonderful set up there.  The kids attend Moppets where they are lovingly cared for by many awesome volunteers from the church.  I for the hour and half am able to sit at a table with other moms and sometimes we listen to speakers, other times we do crafts and we always get to have conversation.  A huge blessing!

CAPC or Mothercare - this is a government sponsored program and I'm not sure if all towns have this but we are fortunate to have this program right next door to us at the church on Tuesday mornings.  This has been a great way to meet many different kinds of moms at many different stages in their mommy lives.  They also give milk coupons, fruits and veggies and eggs.  They also have a children's program-- my kid really like it and have learned a lot through it. I just wanted to add to this-- a lot of people deem this program as just for women who are low income or "at risk" that is not true.  This program is open for all and while it is a great resource for those who are low income and at risk it is completely applicable to all mothers.

And also just check around your town and see what other community programs are out there.  A lot of libraries have Story Times for toddlers but also programs for Babies and Preschoolers.

We also have a Recreation Centre in town which opens its indoor soccer field four times a week for kids to come in (for free) and just run around and burn energy.  They also have a few bouncy castles set up.

Once you start looking and even connecting with other moms you'll be amazed at how many mommy groups/things to do for moms are out there.  We are at the point now where we have to choose what we are going to do otherwise we get so busy being out and doing things!  Enjoy and get out there!


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