{Big Milestones}

Five years ago today our lives were forever changed.  Our firstborn, daughter, came (very slowly and very complicated) into this world.  She came with a fierce cry, lots of hair and teeth.  Yes our daughter was born with teeth.  Ask me about it sometime, its pretty amazing!!  She was instantly loved and welcomed with open arms.  The past five years have flown by.  There have been joyful moments and and tough moments.  But all of these moments have only made our love grow stronger. 

Our daughter is full of spirit, full of laughter and her mind is constantly turning.  She is at the stage where she is asking the good, deep questions.  She is also at the stage where she questions and challenges everything!  I am excited to watch her grow and I'm thankful to be able to call myself her mom!


  1. We too are glad and blessed to have Leah part of our life...Grampa Eddy & Gramma Maggie


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