4 months

Asher is now over 4 months old and I cannot believe how fast the time is flying by.  Asher weighs approximately 15 pounds and is all boy, but a mommies boy!  Asher loves his mommy and will often reserve his biggest smiles for her.  Asher loves to bury his face in mommies arms and then fling himself back in a big smile, its as if he is giving her a big hug.  He is much more vocal and much more interactive.  He loves playing with his toys, watching his crazy sister and still no surprise, eating.  Asher eats and eats, and we have recently graduated him to baby cereal which he loves.  Most of his crying spells have stopped with the aid of a chiropractor.  He is becoming a lot more happier and its easier to distinguish what each cry means.  Asher we love you so much and you continue to melt our hearts each day!


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