Lightroom Edits

Awhile back I purchased the latest edition of Lightroom.  I opened it and immediately became overwhelmed with what was there.  I had no idea where to start and what to do, so it stayed closed for a few months until I had the time to delve into it a bit more.  Thanks to my membership with Clickinmoms I have been finally able to learn Lightroom.  They have some great links to Lightroom tutorials which I have been watching as of late.  They also provide some great opportunities to take some classes to learn more about photography and editing.  I think I may take one of these courses at one point.  Anyways, here's an example of what Lightroom can do for your photos.

Straight out of Camera

After processed through Lightroom and then exported to Photoshop Elements and processed using a free action from CoffeeShop
Voila!! A brand new image!!


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