Simple Living

This topic has been running through my mind and been on my heart lately.  What is Simple Living and how can I incorporate this into my life?  With the Christmas season full upon us now we are bombarded with messages that we must have, we need and we want.  We need the best clothes, the latest electronics and more stuff!! Frankly, these ads and attitudes leave a sick feeling in my stomach.  Christmas and life are so much more than buying and having.

Don't we have warm clothes, don't we have roofs over our heads and aren't we immensely blessed by the families we have?  Then why do we feel the need to have more and that things will make us feel more complete?  Well the easy answer is sin, but culture has ingrained this so well into us.  Our society of consumerism is literally destroying our economies and our spirits of thankfulness and giving.

And so this Christmas we aren't going to be buying anything new.  Our goal is when purchasing gifts for our family, is to search for used things first.  There are many, many resources out there that offer an outlet for people to buy and sell their lightly used items.  I find it invigorating to find a great deal on an item and also to sell the items I no longer use!  We want to pass to our children the importance of storing our treasures in heaven.  Is it easy?  Absolutely not!  Its very hard not to get caught in our society's pressure to be bigger and better.  But through prayer, faithful reading and careful instruction we will get there!

I was listening to the new Keith & Krysten Getty Album - Hymns for the Christian Life and on it is a song titled Simple Living (A Rich Young Man) and this song so beautifully captures what has been on my heart recently!  Enjoy!


  1. I heartily agree with you Kristin, about the commercials that have hit the, as if buying more of what we don't need will make us happy. Being with family, counting the blessings we have of houses, clothes, country, friends & family, jobs....and most importantly, the gift of salvation. We should be oh so careful of what the secular world/sin would have us believe buys us happiness. Love, Mom


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