Updated - February 2018

I've resurrected this blog! Funny thing as this blog is what I started when we left for seminary in August of 2008 to keep in touch with our family and friends.  A LOT has happened over the last 11 years of our lives and we wanted to keep a central spot to share those things.

For the last 15 years of my life things have been formulating in my heart.  Being pieced together by a good God.  I’ve always been fearful of sharing. Like somehow it would be shocking. I’m letting go of perfection. Mary Marantz says it so well, “perfection is not an advantage my friends, not something to be strived for. Perfection is a myth.” Our imperfect lives continue to be renewed daily by a perfect God. He makes all things beautiful in his time and he has been molding us greatly over the last number of years.

We have a story to share.  A story filled with many hurts, disappointments, and failures. But our story is also filled with so much love, grace and forgiveness.  This is what we are choosing to focus on.  We are focusing on God's love, His faithfulness and His undeserving grace.

I'll be writing our story over the next few days, weeks and months.  Writing has always been a love of mine and when I get to put my thoughts out in written form, the words seem to come naturally.  Speaking, not so much.  I'm using this tool to get out all my heart thoughts and I hope you'll be encouraged along this journey.

If you are reading this and feel the need to reach out, please reach out! A journey should never be shared alone.  For years I walked this journey alone and I don't wish that on anyone.  Feel free to comment, email, call or meet me in person, I would love to share in your journey as well.

~ Kristin


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